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Full Service Waterproofing Contractor

Go Dry Waterproofing is the only local premier waterproofing contractor with over 28 years experience right here in the Tri Cities area. We are dedicated to keeping your home dry and protected from water intrusion,moisture build-up and potential damage. Our expert team has experience in providing effective solutions that stand the test of time. With our comprehensive services and personalized approach, we have you covered for all your waterproofing needs.

flooded basement

Waterproofing, Drainage and Foundational Solutions

We offer a full range of services tailored to protect your home from water damage and structural issues. Our skilled team uses the latest technology and high-quality materials to ensure your home stays dry, stable, and safe. Whether you’re dealing with a wet or damp basement, a compromised foundation, or poor yard drainage, we provide customized solutions designed to address your specific concerns, enhancing the quality of life for your family and adding value to your home and property. Our services include:

Why Choose Us

When it comes to protecting your home from water intrusion or drainage problems, you want a reliable, local and experienced team that understands the importance of quality workmanship. We offer expert services, the best real industry warranty and piece of mind all from our team of licensed and insured professionals. Drawing on years of industry expertise, we provide top-notch craftmanship, offering customized solutions to suit your home’s unique requirements. Our team works to ensure the success and longevity of our waterproofing solutions.

Keep Your Home Safe and Dry

Our experts provide top-notch solutions to keep your home dry and protected. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and dedication to customer satisfaction. With our professional services, you can rest assured that your home is in good hands. Our team is here to help you maintain the structural integrity of your home and prevent potential damage from excess moisture. Our 50 year,non-prorated warranty is the best real warranty in the industry. Contact us today for a consultation, and let us provide you with reliable solutions to keep your home safe and dry.

Schedule a Free Home Evaluation Today