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Basement Waterproofing Services

Go Dry Waterproofing has been successfully waterproofing hundreds of homes and businesses for over 28 years in the Tri Cities and surrounding areas. Our proven basement waterproofing system guarantees your home will remain dry and no more worries about water intrusion. Remember, you can “Stay Wet or Go Dry”!

person feet in water

Signs You May Need a Waterproofing Professional

A wet or damp basement can lead to various issues, such as mold growth, structural damage, and poor indoor air quality. If you have noticed any basement moisture or flooding issues, it’s crucial to address them promptly to prevent further damage. Our team can conduct a thorough inspection and provide targeted solutions to keep your basement dry. You may need your basement waterproofed if you notice any of the following indicators:

  • Water stains / discoloration of walls or floors
  • Musty or damp odors in the basement
  • Mold or mildew growth
  • Cracks in walls or floors
  • Dampness or moisture on surfaces
wood floor in basment

Our Basement Waterproofing Solutions

Go Dry Waterproofing uses the best proprietary waterproofing systems, specialized commercial materials and trained professional installers to provide our clients with a dry, comfortable home. Our services include both interior and exterior drainage systems.

Protect Your Basement With Our Waterproofing Services

We are a full service basement waterproofing contractor with systems designed to handle even the fiercest of storms and localized flooding. Understanding that every basement has its unique problems, we provide tailored solutions to combat your basement’s specific challenges. When you trust us with your home, you’re entrusting your family’s safety and health to the best waterproofing experts in the industry. Call us today to schedule your home evaluation, and let us help protect your basement from water damage, health related issues and potential foundational damage.

Schedule a Free Home Evaluation Today